In the times we live in, yoga has become a common practice among people. for some of us, it works as an escape. for some people this is a process in which they heal themselves. some people do yoga just for fitness. even from their schools which is good for them in the long run. they develop a sense of consciousness within them and perform well in the next life.
What Is Yoga?
Yoga consists of asanas (poses) in which you have to stretch your entire body. there are different yoga poses for different parts of the body. this requires a lot of concentration and deep breathing at the same time while stitching. if one practices yoga with great passion, he can open up his life to a completely new practice.
not only do these programs, but kids these days are seen doing yoga and have seen good results. and in times of crisis like corona, our adults should also recognize the mental health of our children. but with the dramatic change in recent times, it is not surprising to see children suffering from stress-related anxiety. if they are not taken care of at the right time, it can be really dangerous for them in the future.
While they are busy with their online classes as well as stuck with limited entertainment options at home, you can help them practice yoga to help them maintain a certain interest in their limited space.
let’s take a look at some asanas that are beneficial for your child’s mental health.
so let us now take the information of those 7 yogasanas in detail.
Yoga Asanas For Mental Health
1. child’s pose/balasana
Follow the steps below to reap the maximum benefits of this asana.

How to do
1. kneel on a mat or towel spread down.
2. sit on your heels with your big toes touching and then spread your knees hip-width apart.
3. exhale with a deep breath and lower your torso between the thighs.
4. place your sacrum on your ot belly.
5. extend the tailbone to the back of your abdomen while lifting the leg of the skull to the back of your neck.
6. keep your torso down on the mat with your palms facing down.
7. as you do this, feel the pull of the shoulder blades by pushing your shoulders toward the mat.
Read More 5 Super Brain Yoga Exercises To Brain Detox
2. Vriksha mudra/vrikshasana
Follow the steps below to reap the maximum benefits of this asana.

How to do
1.stand up straight and balance firmly on your left leg. and lift the right leg and bend it at the knee.
2. now place your right foot on the inner side of your thighs and point your toes downwards.
3. raise your arms above your head until your arms extend upwards with palms joined in prayer posture at chest level.
4. hold the position while taking deep breaths.
5. bring your hands down to chest level and separate your palms.
6. stand erect with your right leg straight.
7. repeat this asana again with the right leg.
Read More 3 Simple Yoga Poses To Instantly Boost Your Confidence
3. Warrior pose / veerabhadrasana I
Follow the steps below to reap the maximum benefits of this asana.

How to do
1. stand erect with your legs spread three to four feet apart and place your right foot in front and your left foot behind you.
2. now make sure that the heel of the right foot is aligned with the middle of the left foot. turn the right leg 90 degrees outward and fifteen degrees to the left.
3. raise your arms out to the sides until they are at shoulder height. keep your hands parallel to the floor with your palms facing upwards.
4. exhale and bend your right knee so that your knee and ankle are in a straight line. don’t let your knee go past your ankle.
5. now shift your gaze to your right.
6. as you move into the pose, extend your arms further and bring your palms together above your head. look at your palms and gently push them down your spine.
7. breathe normally with a smile on your face holding the pose with the determination of a warrior.
8. come up with a breath.
9. exhale and gently lower your arms to your sides.
10. repeat the left side of this asana with your left leg in front and right leg behind.
Read More 5 Yoga Exercises To Improve Memory And Concentration
4. standing forward Bend pose /uttanasana
Follow the steps below to reap the maximum benefits of this asana.

How to do
1. stand in front of your mat in mountain pose with your feet parallel and slightly apart.
2. inhale to lift your arms up.
3. while exhaling, bend your torso forward to roll into a front fold with your arms out to either side.
4. when your range reaches full forward rotation, keeping your back flat as long as possible, it’s okay to round your spine.
5. let your head become heavy and keep your eyes on your feet.
6. when you reach your full forward bend, rest your hands on your toes or palms on the floor in line with your toes.
7. when you are about to jump back or step back, bend your palms as much as necessary to keep them flat on the ground.
5. Adho Mukh Svanasana
Follow the steps below to reap the maximum benefits of this asana.

How to do
1. Get on your fours to form a table with your back forming the table top and your arms and bis forming the table legs.
2. As you inhale, lift the hips, straighten the knees and elbows and form an inverted V shape with the body.
3. Hands shoulder width apart and feet hip width apart parallel to each other. Point your fingers straight ahead.
4. Lengthen the neck by pressing the hands to the floor and touching the ears with the inner hands wide through the shoulder blades.
5. Hold the downward dog position and take a deep breath and look at the navel.
6. Exhale and relax by bending your knees and returning to table pose.
6. Butterfly Pose/Bhadhakonasana
Follow the steps below to reap the maximum benefits of this asana.

How to do
1. Keep your feet together and sit on the floor with your back straight at shoulder level and your head straight, hands flat on your thighs, palms down, then take a deep breath.
2. Exhale and bend your knees and bring your feet towards the trunk.
3. Keeping the soles of the feet together, place the hands on the feet and pull them close to the feet with the fingers and place the heels against the perineum. Take the outside of each foot and let the little toe touch the floor.
4. Lower your knees to the floor and keep your back straight, using your elbows to press into your thighs if necessary to bring your calves and knees to the floor. Hold this term by breathing gently through the nostrils.
5. Leave the mudra and sit with the legs extended and the hands on the thighs.
6.Hold the posture from thirty seconds to one minute depending on comfort. Repeat this asana three times.
7. Lotus Pose/Padmasana
Follow the steps below to reap the maximum benefits of this asana.

How to do
1. Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you.
2. Bend your right leg at the knee and place your right leg in the left thigh with the help of your hand.
3. Now fold the left leg also in the knee.
4. Once again hold the left leg with your hand and place it on your right thigh.
5. At this time keep both your feet near the navel. Make sure the soles of your feet are facing upwards.
6. Extend your arms out and place your palms in front of your knees.
7. Sit up straight while maintaining the posture.
In the above session we have given you detailed information about 7 Yogasanas by practicing them regularly you can improve your mental health. And also people practice it to maintain good fitness.
And while students are engaged in online classes as well as stuck with limited entertainment options at home, you can help them practice yoga to help them maintain a specific interest in their limited space.
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