Yoga poses like Spinal Twists or Seated Heart Opener can help you get relief from gas and bloating in your stomach.
Feeling bloated and experiencing gas as well as acidity reflux is uncomfortable as well as painful. You can try these yoga poses to get relief from bloating and gas. This includes movements such as downward dog and chair. Note that this may be a relief. But it cannot be guaranteed.
Boston-based yoga and pilates instructor Zayna Gould, a chronic Crohn’s disease sufferer, shares some yoga poses below to reduce bloating and stomach pain.
Yoga positions to get rid of gas and floating

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The following 13 yoga poses can be beneficial for bloating and gas.
Knees hugging the chest, Apnasana
Twisting the spine
Bridge Post, Setu Bandh Sarvangasan
Bending the spine in a one leg sitting position
Seated forward bend position, Paschimottanasana
Opening the seated heart
Cat Cow, Marjaryasana and Bitilasana
Child’s pose, Balasana
Adhomukhi Dog, Adho Mukh Savasan
Forward Bend, Uttanasana
Open Triangle Pose, Trikonasana
Chair pose, Utkatasana
Breath in and out, pranayama
You can do it with or without a mat. Some are stretch move poses like bridge pose that help stimulate your abdominal organs. Next are twist poses that are great therapy for gas and bloating and constipation, or help massage and tone your stomach. The rest of the region works for your back neck and spine.
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Knees hugging the chest, Apnasana
You can do this simple stretch, also known as 12 Relieving Poses, to relieve floating and gas pains.
How to do

1. Lie down on your inner knees and relax and breathe.
2. Exhale and hug your knees to your chest.
3..Bend your knees to one side to maximize the stretch.
4. Take five to ten breaths and release your knees.
5. Do this movement for a few seconds.
6. If you are going to modify this exercise.
7. Raise your knees as high as is comfortable.
8. To vary the stretch, you do one side at a time. Extend your left leg and bring your right knee up and hold for five breaths. And then switch to the other side.
Spinal twist
Use this twist to calm and tone your stomach.

How to do
1. Lie down and hug your knees and breathe,
2. As you exhale, leave your knees to the left and gently push them down using your left hand.
3. Then turn your head and extend your arm to the right.
4. Hold this position for 5 to 10 breaths.
5. Inhale and bring your hands and sweetness back to center. 6. And repeat on the other side.
Bridge Pose “Setu Bandha Sarvangasana”
) Bridge Pose “Setu Bandha Sarvangasana”
A gentle inversion helps your blood flow, giving you energy.
How to do

1. Lie on the floor and bend your knees.
2. Keep your feet flat on the floor with your feet close to your body.
3. Move your hips up to stretch your chest.
4. Relax the hips.
5. This yogasana should be repeated as needed.
A variation to this exercise is that you can hold both hands together and intertwine your fingers under your back with your hands under you as you bend over and open your chest.
One-legged seated spinal twist
You have more control over the stretch when you do this twist pose in a seated position.
How to do
1. . Stretch your legs and sit.
2.Bend your right knee and bring your heel close to your body.
3. Take your right hand back and place it on the floor in your pelvis and your left elbow goes outside the knee to help you turn.
4. Stretch and deepen as you exhale, pausing for five or more counts.
5. Then repeat this on the other side without twisting.
Seated Forward Bend Pose “Paschimottanasana”
This simple stretch helps you relax and also relieve some of the stress that affects your digestion.

How to do
1. Place your feet in front and sit on the floor or mat.
2. Keeping your back straight, gently bring your hips forward and lower your torso.
3. Now here you take five to ten deep breaths.
You can also lower yourself as much as possible, but feel the tension by trying to keep it comfortable.
Seated Heart Opener
These movements can stretch your stomach and reduce stomach cramps.
How to do
1.Sit on your heels and bend back and forth, placing your palms behind you and keeping your fingertips away from your body.
2. Press your hands into the floor to lift your chest and arch your back.
3. You should feel your hips pushing into your heels.
4. Increase the stretch by lowering your head back.
5. Feel the tension in your throat as well as your chest.
6. Hold this position for five breaths and then sit up.
You can post this even while sitting in a chair. Arch your back with your partner up and feel the stretch.
Cat and Cow or “Marjaryasana and Bitilasana”
Transition between these two poses to warm up your spine and also relieve stress on your back and neck.

How to do
1. Place your hands and knees on the floor.
2. As you inhale make sure your back is flat and your abs are engaged.
3. As you exhale, lower your head and round your spine for Cat Pose.
4. Arch your back while inhaling and bring your head and hips up into cow pose.
5. Switch the two projects back and forth, linking your inhale with cow pose and exhale with cat pose.
6. Repeat this yoga asana as many times as you want.
Child’s Pose or “Balasana”
This pose is known as resting pose. This is the basic move for a comfortable stretch and you can take five or more breaths in this position.

How to do
1. Sit with knees and feet wide apart.
2. Lean forward and stretch your arms out in front of you.
3. Keep your legs straight and bring your forehead to the floor.
Keep your head blocked or late to make the pose easier.
Downward Facing Dog
Do this asana to energize your mind and body.

How to do
1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
2. Keeping your back straight, bend forward and press your palms into the floor.
3. Hold this position for five to ten breaths.
4. Another way to do this pose is to move your knees further back to make it easier to keep your back straight.
Standing Forward Bend or “Uttanasana”
Do this yoga pose to strengthen the spine and also reduce the stress on your neck and back.

How to do
1. Stand with your feet apart and bend forward from the waist.
2. Keep your back straight and place your hands on the floor.
Place your hands on a yoga block or furniture to help hold the pose.
Open Triangle Pose or “Trikonasana”
Get a good stretch and twist with this pose to tone your stomach as well.

How to do
1. Standing up straight, take one motor step back with your right leg and swing it to the side of the mat.
2. Extend your arms and keep the spine long until the hips are forward.
3. Float the left hand down to the floor
4. Raise your right arm and spread your arms.
5. Raise your right arm.
6. Look down at your left leg before you straighten up to come out of the pose.
7. Do this asana again from the other side.
Move your forearms onto your ankles or onto a yoga block placed near your feet.
Chair Pose or “Utkatasana”
It also helps tone your legs by opening up your chest.

How to do
1. Stand with feet together.
2. Bend your knees as if you are sitting in a chair and at the same time bring your hands near your ears.
3. Keep your arms straight as you exhale to come out of the pose.
4. Then, get into a standing position and place your arms down at your sides.
If you feel the need to change things up, lying against a wall will help you hold the pose. By keeping your legs hip-width apart, this will reduce stiffness.
Inhale and exhale or “Pranayama”
Immediately after you finish exercising, take time to breathe deeply for five minutes.

How to do
1. Exhale deeply through your nose.
2. Then inhale gently through both nostrils.
3. Do this call five to ten times, each time trying to focus on your breath.
Benefits of Yoga
Even if people don’t do yoga to get rid of bloating or gas, exercise promises to help.
1. Lowers blood pressure and heart rate
2. Improves concentration and coordination flexibility posture and sleep quality.
3. Chronic Illness Symptoms Mental Health Symptoms and Weight Management.
4. To relax and reduce stress as well.
5. Relieve low back pain neck pain and menopause symptoms.
6. Do not smoke.
Who should limit or avoid yoga?
Yoga is a safe exercise for most people. Some individuals need to exercise caution and speak with a health care provider before doing yoga, or avoid it altogether. They include older adults, pregnant women.
• Arthritis
• Balance issues
• Glaucoma
• Lumbar disease
• Pre-existing wounds
• High blood pressure
Individuals with health problems affected by heat such as lung disease or as well as heart disorders should avoid hot yoga. This type of yoga is practiced at a temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit.
A quick review
Yoga poses that relieve gas and bloating include spinal twists, cat and cow poses, and seated forward bends. Yoga has many potential benefits, including helping with blood pressure, stress and weight management. However, yoga is not for everyone and you should check with a healthcare provider to determine what movements you can and cannot do.