Yoga is an all-inclusive package. It purifies your body mentally, physically and spiritually. Regular yoga makes us feel energized and rejuvenated. Not only this, some yoga poses are effective in reducing your weight. Some yoga poses help you lose weight and keep you fit. With some effort and determination we succeed in losing weight. Now we are going to look at ten yoga poses that will help you lose weight with regular practice.
Yoga helps you gain flexibility in your body, improves your digestion, your core and strength
Increases holding capacity. A lot of twists and bends and inversions are done to tone the muscles and help you lose weight.
1. Bow pose (Dhanurasana):
This yoga pose is very effective for weight loss. Improves the digestive system and works on the whole body. Helps to cure gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion (obesity). Gives flexibility and helps strengthen back muscles. Helps to relieve constipation and improves blood circulation.
How to do
To do this, lie on the floor with your face facing forward. Spread your legs and arms in opposite directions. Until your back to belly and your belly touching the floor. It strengthens Assantum’s thighs, back and chest.

2. Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar):
Surya namaskar is an asana composed of twelve asanas. This pose will give you strength and also help strengthen your back. This yoga combines deep breathing movements as a wam up sequence.
Twelve rounds of Surya Namaskar regularly is good. Morning is the best time to do Surya Namaskar. Gradually you can increase the rounds as per your convenience. If you do this asana properly, it has many benefits like trimming numbers, improving your digestive system, stoning your muscles, improving your metabolism.
How to do :
Suryanamaskar is an asana composed of twelve asanas. This pose will give you strength and also help strengthen your back. This yoga combines deep breathing movements as a wam up sequence.
Twelve rounds of Surya Namaskar regularly is good. Morning is the best time to do Surya Namaskar. Gradually you can increase the rounds as per your convenience. If you do this asana properly, it has many benefits like trimming numbers, improving your digestive system, stoning your muscles, improving your metabolism.
First step
Stand erect and face east so that you are facing the rising sun.
Bring both your feet together and keep your knees straight. Inhale naturally and exhale slowly. Bring your palms close to your chest and wash your hands.
Second Step
Inhale gently
Raise your arms above your head and keep them stretched
Slowly arch back

Third Step
Exhale slowly
Bend down from the waist and move your outstretched arms down.
Touch the floor with both your palms on the floor beside your feet.
Keep your hands flat on the elbows. Your forehead should be bent till it touches the knees.
Fourth step
Inhale again and stretch your right leg until you are sitting on your left leg. Rest your right knee on the floor and keep your heel up.
The Fifth Position
Hold your breath and bring the arms close to the body and extend the left leg back. Now a plaque will form in your body.
Six steps
Exhale and bend your legs so that your knees touch the floor. Bend down until your chest touches the floor.
Lift your abdominals and your hips and let your forehead rest on the floor.
Seventh step
Inhale and lift your head off the floor. Arch your back and roll your body forward. Looks like a struck cobra. Bend your elbows and keep your palms firmly on the floor. Your body should be on the floor from the hips.
Eight steps:
Exhale and lift your hips between your hands while keeping your head down and pull your torso back while keeping your hands and feet firmly on the floor. Move upwards. Your body will now appear in an inverted V shape.
Nine steps
Inhale Bring your right leg forward so that your right leg rests in your hand Lift your head up Situation 4 is the same.
Tenth step
Exhale as the left leg comes forward so that it touches your hand. And in that time your forehead is like a third position.
Eleven step:
Breathe in. Straighten your body. Keep your arms outstretched so as to gently bring them over your head and guide them with your fingers. Bend your arch back. Gently bend your arms back. This is like the second position
Twelve steps
Exhale and stand up straight and straighten your torso and arms. Point your fingers and lower your arms. Bring the body into a state of relaxation.
Suryanamaskar works as an effective exercise
3.Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana):
How to do
To perform this asana, you lie on the floor and place your arms by your sides and bend your knees, spread them and raise the range from your region. Hold the ankle area with your hand and support it. Works well on your hips, stomach and thighs. When your chin touches the chest, the thyroid gland gets a massage.
• Hip Flexor Stretch
• Lower Back Strengthening
• Chest Opener
• Spinal Decompression
• Calms the Nervous System
• Abdominal Toner
• Increased Circulation
• Respiratory Health

4. Boat pose (Naukasana):
This yoga asana is performed in a reclining pose, this asana helps in reducing belly fat, improves digestion, and improves blood circulation and also strengthens the abdominal muscles. lungs works to unite sadhupinde.
How to do
You have to lie on your back to do this asana. And had to go into a V shape. It looks like a boat. Now hold this position for ten seconds and gradually increase the time. You will notice that the abdominal muscles are turning and the belly fat is decreasing by inches.

5.Upward plank ( Purvottanasana):
This pose may seem difficult at first but with practice it will not be difficult. And with regular practice you will soon feel the benefits.
How to do
Sit with your legs stretched out and your feet pointing behind your hips. Slowly go up and hold the position for ten to twelve seconds and gradually increase the time. Do this regularly for ten to fifteen minutes.
Stronger Muscles.
Stronger Respiratory System..
Better Functioning of Abdominal Organs.
Toned Belly fat
Relief From Stress.

6.The warrior pose (Veera bhadrasana):
How to do
To do I pose, stand with your feet three to four feet apart. Bend right and extend both arms. Stretch both towards the chest and stretch the back as much as possible keeping the legs apart.
strengthen the arms, shoulders, and legs.
maintain balance in the body.
help people have desk jobs.
increase stamina.
increase muscle endurance.
relieve tension

7.Triangular pose ( Trikonasana)
This asana helps you lose belly fat. And its twist helps improve digestion. We can do a busy trade of arms and legs to build more muscle and lose belly fat as well.
How to do
Stand with your feet apart. And also turn your right leg out and send your arms outwards. and bend towards your right leg. Keep your back straight and slowly lower down to a flat position. Place your right hand on the floor and try to keep it as still as possible. Do this trend on the other side as well.
- Strengthening of legs, hips, back, shoulders, and chest
- Improved Digestion
- Alleviation of Back pain
- Management of sciatica
- Reduction of menopause symptoms
- Reduction of stress and anxiety
- Increased concentration and focus
- Increased energy levels
These are the benefits of Triangular pose (Trikonasana)

8. Plank Pose (Chaturangadandasana)
This pose is difficult because your hands, wrists, and lower back work very well on it. Your standing position helps you strengthen and tone up. Regular practice of this asana helps to reduce belly fat and build abs. The importance of this asana is that it targets your upper body, shoulders and core fat burning and toning.
How to do
To do this pose you have to put your hands under the food like a push up position mount parallel to the floor is not the best fat burning.

9. Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana)
This asana has many benefits. Increases your energy, improves digestion, helps improve metabolism, helps in weight loss and also helps balance the thyroid. Also helps with sleep disorders. Strengthens the shoulder muscles and helps tone your buttocks, abdominal muscles, and legs.
How to do
You have to sleep on your back. Lift your hips and extend your arms towards your chest. You can support your waist with wrists. Or keep your hands straight on the floor with palms flat on the floor.

10. Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)
This asana strengthens your entire shoulder and upper back and also provides flexibility to the lower back. It helps in reducing fat by stretching the abdominal muscles. Helps burn fat from thighs, hips and lower abdomen.
How to do
Lie on your stomach and lift your head and trunk with your palms and bend your arms from the corners making several arches and gently look up. This will make you feel tension in your stomach. Extend your toes towards the floor and push them into the floor. Hold this for five to six seconds. Asana helps women regulate their menstrual cycle.

These are some of the must-haves that will help you lose weight and shape your body. Yoga is one aspect for weight loss. Proper diet and regular yoga practice are required to lose weight. Morning is the best time to do yoga. This does not relieve you from stress and also from physical heaviness. Doing yoga regularly will give your body a flexibility.