Many people lack confidence in themselves. Therefore, their mind is constantly occupied with anxiety, depression and negative thoughts. If you want to regain your lost confidence, you should include these three yoga poses in your routine.
Self-Confidence Boosting Yoga: Be it personal life or professional lack of self-confidence is always a source of embarrassment for a person. This is why today every person is trying his best to strengthen his confidence. Despite this, many people lack self-confidence. So their mind is constantly surrounded by anxiety and negative thoughts. If you too want to regain your confidence, try these three yoga poses.
So let us now take a detailed look at those three Yogasanas.
Yoga exercises to boost confidence.
1. Vrikshasana
Vrikshasana enables a person to make better decisions by bringing clarity to the mind. Vrikshasana is a yoga pose performed to increase concentration and focus. After Vrikshasana, one’s posture improves and self-confidence also increases. Regular practice of this asana strengthens the hips, thighs and ankles. Therefore, people who sit and work for hours in one place are benefited from it.
Follow the steps given below to reap the benefits of this yoga pose.

How to do
1. Stand straight and bend your right leg at the knee, lifting your right leg while balancing firmly on your left leg.
2. Now place your right foot on the inside of your left thigh with your right toes pointed downwards? This should be fixed.
3. Join your palms in prayer position at the level of your chest. And raise your hands above your head, extending your arms upwards.
4.Hold this position while taking deep breaths.
5.. Lower your hands to chest level and then separate your hands.
6. Straighten your right leg and stand straight again.
7. Repeat being with your right foot.
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2.Setu Bandhanasana (Bridge Pose)
In this asana or pose your chest heart and shoulders are really stretched along with your neck and lower abdomen and thighs. This festival has a variety of benefits such as relieving your anxiety and tension headaches while helping your Nehrasha to focus on your mental health. Doing this opens up your chest which is very beneficial for people with asthma.
Follow the steps given below to reap the benefits of this yoga pose.

How to do
1. Lie on your back on a mat.
2. Make sure to bend your knees and keep your feet hip width apart.
3. Place your hands by your side with palms facing up.
4. Lift your back by pressing your hands on the floor.
5. Lift your posture so that it touches your chest without any movement or effort..
6. Inhale and lift your torso slightly, making sure your knees and ankles are in a straight line.
7. Hold your breath for a few seconds with your thighs parallel to the floor and release
8. Repeat this process 5 times.
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3. Tadasana
Tadasana strengthens your body and calms your mind. This helps in boosting your confidence. It teaches you to control yourself. Tadasana while standing also helps in increasing height and yoga experts say that including this yoga asana in your daily routine helps in maintaining confidence and mental health.
Follow the steps given below to reap the benefits of this yoga pose.

How to do
1. Stand straight on the floor with your feet together and bring your palms next to you.
2. Then keep the whole body still and keep the body weight equal on both feet and bring the fingers of both the palms together on the head.
3. Keep your palms straight and inhale and pull your arms up. This will also stretch your shoulders and chest.
4. At the same time, keep the body balanced on the toes by raising the heels and stay in this position for 30 seconds.
5. After stopping for some time, exhale and bring your head up. This asana can be done 10 times daily.
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In today’s time every person is trying his best to strengthen his confidence.
In the above session we have told you three yoga poses that you should practice regularly to increase your confidence. So that you can remove the negative thoughts and worries that keep coming in your mind. And you can regain your confidence.