In today’s hectic modern life, many couples are complaining of fertility problems. However, these five powerful yoga poses help such couples to increase their fertility and conceive as well.
The modern lifestyle and priorities you choose for yourself come with their own risks. Nervous late nights spent chasing deadlines or mindlessly surfing the net, irregular hours of sleep, poor food choices and demanding schedules take a toll on our physical and mental health.
Stress and also stress induced health and also complications are one of the most byproducts of such a lifestyle. Infertility is one of them. Infertility can occur in both men and women. As a result, it is seen increasing in recent times.
Every year many couples face difficulties in conceiving. At such times, these couples have to seek medical help many times. Medical treatment for infertility can be helpful for such couples.
But if the fertility rate in the population is to be reduced, the underlying cause of anxiety and stress needs to be addressed. And also the holistic treatment of daily yoga practice can be the most important option for this.
A yoga practice can be much more than moving into different physical postures to enjoy the benefits of effortless movement. The properties of yoga and pranayama heal one’s mind and body and also work to promote overall health along with fertility

Let us know more about fertility yoga and its benefits
Fertility yoga is basically a sequence of yoga poses designed to help the practitioner prepare his mind and body for the path of conception. This restorative series of yoga poses has a strong emphasis on revitalizing the reproductive and hormonal systems. Practicing it regularly gives you various benefits and also helps you in many ways.
• It works to stimulate the uterus and ovaries.
• Helps detoxify the body.
• Works to strengthen back muscles.
• Helps add hip and groin flexibility.
• Helps relieve stress and anxiety.
• Helps increase blood circulation in the reproductive system.
• Helps balance hormones.
• Helps improve energy flow through the body.
• Helps enable smooth delivery by aiding in a healthy pregnancy.
Uttan Shishusan
How to do Vistar Pilla Mudra or Uttan Shishusan?
Puppy Pose or Uttan Shishusan is guided below.
1. First you need to be on all fours. Like child’s pose or Bala festivals. In this position you will be mirroring the table top or this is a different posture called Chargasana. Take a deep breath.
2. Now press your palms on the mat and focus on it while exhaling slowly start lifting your arms forward.
3. Lower your chest gently as you go forward with your hands and do not rush or let your chest collapse suddenly.
4.Slowly let your hips rise toward the ceiling.
5.Place your chin or forehead gently on the mat. Extend fully into you using your fingertips and keep your palms pressed to the floor.
6. Keep your breathing natural in this position. Feel the stretch in the back, shoulders and arms as your hips engage the lower back.
7. Keep your attention on listening to your body’s signals. If the tension changes, gently release or adjust the pose as per your comfort.

This pose should be done correctly to get maximum health benefits. Below is a guide on how to do Padahastasana.
1.Stand straight with your feet two inches apart.
2.Inhale slowly and raise your arms at the same time.
3.Gently bend forward until your palms touch the floor, letting your body know from the waist down.
4.Try to stretch the back as straight as possible.
5. You can hold this pose for up to thirty seconds. And this time continue to believe normally.
6. Relax in this body. Samasthi is an upright presence, in which we keep our feet together and the body upright. This Padahastasana is a cycle.
Latent Bandha Konasana
Stay in a comfortable position to perform Supt Baddha Konasana. Below is a guide on how to do this pose.
1. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you.
2.Bend your right knee and bring your right foot in until your right heel touches your perineum (the area between the thighs).
3. Bend the left knee and try to bring your left foot in until the soles of both feet touch each other.
4.Grasp the outside of your feet with your hands and bring your thighs as close to the floor as possible.
5.Keeping your spine straight, you are now in Baddhakonasana.
5.From this position you can use your right as well as your left corner for support Supt Baddha Konasana Gently lie on your back.
6.Relax in this position by taking deep breaths.
7.Place your hands at your sides or on your lap.
8. When ready, sit carefully before extending your legs forward.
Sufi Roll Yoga
Find a quiet place and sit in a comfortable position to begin Sufi Roll Yoga. Below is a guide on how to do this pose.
1. Sit on the yoga mat and begin this asana. If your legs are crossed, ground your core to the ground.
Keep your position comfortable so that you can help this movement align the root chakra.
2. Place your hands on your knees with your palms facing down. Here you take a relaxed stance.
3. Breathe Forward When your first step is over, breathe in. When you move forward in a circular motion, keep your chin open and your chin forward.
4. Reverse the third step completely i.e. exhale and move back in a circular motion. Avoid straining your back while doing this movement.
Make sure you have a rounded rotation and your chin is tucked towards your chest. Try to relax as much as possible in this position.
5. Once you are in the swing of things, you must change things and also change direction. Continue this movement until you are ready to stop it.
Viprita Karani
Contraindications Before doing this yoga pose, try some exercises to open your hips. You can lie supine and also fold your legs together. Now by pressing them on the stomach gently take the government as per Pawan Mukta Sana and push your knees down and keep them wide. You can do some of these exercises. Below is a guide on how to do the reverse.

1. Lying on a flat surface on the floor, bend your knees and bring your legs up towards your stomach. As the thighs are touching your stomach and pressing it.
2. Now, while exhaling, lift your hips off the floor and hold your waist with both hands.
3. Then while exhaling, raise the leg and let the entire weight of your body rest on the elbow as the elbow rests on the floor.
4.You can take the support of a wall while doing this yoga asana.
5.Newbies can keep a pillow blanket under the waist while doing this yoga pose. You can also do the reverse pose. You can use it to support your lower back and core. Stretch your legs against the wall, rest your shoulder blades and head on the floor.
6.You can hold this pose for five minutes depending on your performance and as per your instructor’s guidance. Rest in this position with your eyes closed and focus on your slow and deep breathing.
The five asanas we have seen in this session will help you to increase your fertility and also help you conceive. With its regular practice it works to stimulate the uterus and ovaries. Helps to detoxify the body, helps to relieve stress and anxiety, helps to increase blood circulation in the reproductive system, helps in healthy pregnancy and enables smooth delivery.