If you practice Chaturanga Dandasana, arm strengthening yoga poses can help you build strength at any stage of your journey.
You don’t need to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger pumping iron at the gym to build arm strength, arm strength yoga strengthens and tones your muscles using only body weight.
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Yoga Poses to Build Strength in Your Arms
1. Plank Pose (Falnakasana)
Another great arm-strengthening yoga mudra, Plant Pose works your entire body from head to toe, paying special attention to your arms and core.

How to do
1.Start in a table top position with your shoulders and wrists on all fours and your hips on your knees.
2. Press firmly into the perimeter of your palms with your fingers spread and evenly spaced between them and gently grip the mat with your fingertips.
3. Three-dimensionally hug your waist as if you were tightening a corset.
4. Place one leg behind you at a time with your toes under.
5. Extend your mane to create a long line from the crown of your head through your heels.
6. Excitedly squeeze your feet together and kick your heels to the back of your mat.
7. Keeping the palms firmly on the upper part of the back should be slightly rounded and hold some long and deep breaths.
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2. One-Legged Downward Facing Dog
Downward Facing Dog is probably one of the most popular handstand yoga poses, although it may not be a full-body yoga pose.
This is an excellent hand strengthening yoga pose. And variations can spice it up by lifting one leg and adding more weight to the arms for added strength.

How to do
1. Start in a table top position on all fours with your shoulders over your wrists and your hips over your knees.
2. Gently grip the mat with your fingertips, pressing firmly into the perimeter of your palms with your fingers spread and evenly spaced between them.
3. A three-dimensional hug around your waist like tightening a corset.
4. Bring your hands forward at a distance of one of your palms.
5. Lift your knees off the ground with your toes under.
6. Stretch your sit bones upwards by slightly extending your range.
7. Straighten your legs as much as you can comfortably.
8. Press firmly with your arms to lift your shoulders off the floor.
9. Float your right leg up toward the sky, shifting your weight into your left leg.
10. Equalize your weight in both hands by pressing lightly in your left hand.
11. Take a few long, deep breaths before switching sides.
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3 Side Plank (Vasisthasana)
Side Plank is another great arm strengthening yoga pose and is also an excellent arm exercise. This is because it is a strong position forgetting that the entire weight of the body is now only on one arm.

How to do
Begin in fruit pose as described above.
Shift your weight onto your arms.
You have the option of bringing your right knee down to the floor or rolling onto the pinky side of your right foot.
Wrap your left foot over the big toe.
There is an option to stagger your feet or place your left foot over the right.
Press firmly into your right hand and lightly on your left fingertips.\
Float your left hand on the floor and lift it up towards the sky.
. Move your tree to the left side of your mat.
Actively press everything you come in contact with.
Hold a few long, deep breaths before switching sides, lifting your hips off the floor.
4 Dolphin Pose (Half Pincha Mayurasana)
A yoga posture that strengthens the arms is a posture that practitioners like to attribute. This one is a favorite. This is a challenging shape that works to strengthen and activate your arms, shoulders, chest and core.

How to do
1. Start in a table top position on all fours with your shoulders over your wrists and your hips over your knees.
2. Bring your hands down to the floor and align your shoulders over your elbows.
3. You have the option of keeping your hands as they are or removing your palms to enter the prayer position.
4. Lift your knees off the floor by tucking your toes.
5. Stretch your sitting bones upward toward the sky, extending your range.
6. Straighten your hair as comfortably as possible.
7. Press your hands firmly into the floor to lift your shoulders off the mat.
8. Relax the weight of your head and neck but lift your head off the floor.
9. The option is to move your feet slightly towards your corners
10. Take a few long deep breaths.
5. Bhujangasana
A yoga posture that strengthens the arms is a posture that practitioners like to attribute. This one is a favorite. This is a challenging shape that works to strengthen and activate your arms, shoulders, chest and core.

How to do
1. Lying on your stomach in a resting position with your arms crossed in front of you so that you can rest your head on them.
2. Slowly bring your feet closer and keep your forehead on the ground.
3. Move your hands so that they are folded into the corners and your palms are close to your shoulders.
4. Inhale by raising your elbows slightly off the ground. Push your jaw out and lift your brow.
5. Keep your torso on the ground.
6. Make sure your abdomen is pressed to the floor.
7. Maintain the posture by thinking of the movement of raising the snake’s hood and slowly feeling the tension on your spine.
8. Relax slowly until your body is back flat on the floor. Keep your head up until your middle is totally down.
In the above sessions we have told you 5 yoga poses to practice regularly and increase your arm strength. Arm strengthening yoga poses can help you build strength at any stage of your journey if you practice these asanas.
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