Sometimes, it is not possible to do yoga full time. But doing the following 7 yoga poses regularly for ten to fifteen minutes stretches the back, hamstrings and hips. Since we definitely don’t want to lose your sense of purpose and sweetness to bring you back up, it’s a good idea to look at your practice now and then to see where you find balance. These yogasanas should be considered as a maintenance plan.

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1. Pelvic tilts
The first few abdominal tilts will relieve back pain as well as any sign of stiffness. It should be done slowly and the movement should be continued until the liquid material rises. After ten to fifteen repetitions, notice if you feel any relief in your back. It is important to remember that pelvic tilts are subtle. This small movement of just moving your hips towards your face without lifting your hips off the ground can help with back pain. Because they strengthen the core muscles that support the spine. It also helps to improve the alignment of the spine.

How to do
1. Bend your knees and lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Keep your arms straight out.
2. As you exhale, bend your hips back to heat your lower back into the floor and feel your abs contract.
3. Hold this position for three to four seconds before returning to the starting position.
4. Repeat this asana twelve times. Do two to three such sets.
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2. Cat-cow
The Cat to Cow stretch helps awaken and energize your entire body by increasing movement along the entire spine. And also increases the flexibility of the spine.

How to do
1. Start this asana on all fours. Keep your hands under your shoulders and your feet wide apart.
2. Arch your back and tuck your tailbone as you look down at the floor.
3. Pausing at the top, drop your navel down to the floor as you advance your range.
4. Look up at the ceiling without hurting your neck.
5. Repeat this asana five to ten times.
6. Start each movement from your tailbone and finally move your head, letting the mane float.
7. Pay attention to your breath as you move into this pose, breathing in as you arch your back and breathing out as you round your spine.
8. If the wrists hurt during these movements, put your hands into fists to relieve some pressure. Place a pillow under your knees. If the movement causes knee pain, use a yoga mat.
9. You can also do this sitting in a chair by going to the edge of the chair and doing the same movements listed above. And arch your back while looking down at the floor, tucking your tailbone in, then arching your back in the other direction while looking up at the ceiling.
3 Downward-Facing Dog
Downward Dog increases both flexibility and strength. It stretches your hamstrings, calves and shoulders. It helps strengthen your core and arms. Research shows that this pose strengthens your external obliques, thus helping to stabilize your back.

How to do
1. Begin this yoga pose by placing your hands on your knees.
2. Slowly straighten your legs by bending your knees and lifting your hips.
3. Using any other movements that will help you settle into the pose. Keep your heels on the ground.
4. Consider relaxing your shoulders while placing your hands above your head and breaking into the pose
5. When you feel ready, you can hold this yoga pose for five to ten breaths.
6. If you want to engage the hamstrings, calves and feet, you should pedal your legs.
7. If your hamstrings are tight, you won’t be able to keep your legs straight or hit the ground with your heels. You can start by bending your knees and gently raise your legs.
4. Low lunge
This low lunge move stretches your hips and your hamstrings and calves along with the hip flexors. This is a strong move. As you move forward, it works your quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes.

How to do
1. Start in Adhomukh Svanasana / Downward Facing Dog.
2. While exhaling, step your right leg forward and bring your left knee down to the floor between your hands until you feel a good stretch in your left hip and thigh.
3. Keep the hips low and balance each other.
4. As you inhale, engage your lower abdomen and lift your chest away from your thighs, raising your hands by your ears.
5. Slowly come into a backbend while looking straight ahead and staring at your toes.
6. As you exhale lower your arms and return to Downward Facing Dog.
5. Straight-leg lunge
The straight-leg lunge is an excellent movement to stretch your hamstrings as well as your lower back. This yoga pose also strengthens your core. As well as helping to improve your balance, your muscles work to stabilize you.

How to do
1. If you are leaving that knee on the floor as a low lunge position, straighten the back leg.
2. Slowly straighten the front leg while bending forward.
3. Don’t force the leg to be straight with the front foot flat on the floor.
4. Hold this position for three to five breaths. And then go under dog.
5. Step your left foot forward in front of your left hand and take your lower and straight leg lunge on that side.
6. After you finish with your left leg, return to downward dog.
7. You can use appropriate blocks under your arms if they don’t reach me easily after you do the front leg. When improving your flexibility, you should use smaller blocks until you have completely eliminated the block.
6.Mountain Pose and Raised-Arms Pose
This mountain present for raised arm work assists with relaxing the tight muscles and further develop adaptability in your hamstrings, shoulders and thoracic spine. It likewise fortifies your center and back muscles. If you’ve been sitting on a dress for a long time, this is a great sequence to improve your sanity.

How to do
1. Bring your feet to the sides of the mat until you are standing with your knees bent.
2. Stand on a hill with your knees bent to a gentle standing position, and your shoulders back and core tight.
3. From Mountain Pose, take the arms to the sides and to the ceiling.
4. When the hands come to the raised position, they should press the palms together. Invite the shoulders to relax.
5. This will make you want to do half sun salutations. Try to match each breath with one movement.
6.If you have the time and inclination you can do full Surya Namaskar instead.
7. Standing forward bend
Standing forward bend looks simple but has many benefits, this yoga pose stretches your hamstrings, calves and lower back. Experts say that forward bending yoga can reduce anxiety or stress and also help in reducing depression. They encourage restful sleep.

How to do
1. Swan dives down in a standing forward bend. To get a good hamstring stretch, go into the fold gently.
2. After folding, you can choose how you want to hang out in these shapes. Alternatives include bending at the knees, grasping the opposite elbow with the opposite hand, pedaling the foot.
3. Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds.
4. Stand gently.
In the above session we have told you seven yogas. Practice it regularly and use it in your life for your fitness. Fifteen to twenty minutes a day should be spent on essential yogasanas. As your yoga practice progresses. Then you will start to see positive results by doing the stretch consistently over time.