Yoga Asanas for Relieving Menstrual Problems: Menstruation is very important for women. But every month during menstruation women have to face many problems. Abdominal pain, heavy bleeding, cramps, menstrual irregularities and mood swings are common for women.
Often women have periods before their due date. Delayed or premature menstruation can lead to many physical problems. Constipation, stress and pain. There are many causes of menstrual irregularity.
However, if women are experiencing such problems during menstruation, they should consult their doctor. Also do yoga regularly to get rid of menstrual problems. Certain yogas are beneficial in menstrual related problems. There are yoga poses that help reduce early and late menstrual problems.
Do yoga during menstruation
Yoga should be avoided during the first one or two days of menstruation. However, doing yoga before and after can reduce menstrual pain. There are many yoga poses that can be done even during menstruation. These yoga poses not only help in reducing discomfort and pain due to menstruation but also reduce mental stress.
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What care should be taken during menstruation
• Yoga before and after menstruation relieves pain and discomfort.
• Avoid yoga for the first 2-3 days.
• Do only light yoga. Don’t do so much yoga that you get bored.
• Do not do yoga if you suffer from back, stomach and neck pain.
• Do not do yoga even if bleeding is profuse.
• Asanas like Tophasana, Sarvangasana, Kapalbhati should be avoided.
• Yoga should be done under the advice and supervision of a yoga expert.
We are going to tell you some yogas for menstrual problems and problems such as menstruation before or even before the date of menstruation.
1. Malasana
To reap the benefits of this yoga pose, you should follow the steps given below.

How to do
1. Start this yoga pose by standing in front of the mat and keeping your feet apart.
2. Come into a squat position by bending your knees and lowering your hips toward the floor.
3. Bring your heart center together and use your elbows to slowly push your knees to the side.
4. Place your heels on the floor and take a deep breath to engage your core muscles and lengthen your spine.
5. You can hold this post for 5 breaths. And then release gently.
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2. Utrasana
To reap the benefits of this yoga pose, you must follow the steps given below.

How to do
1.Stand on your knees and keep your thighs completely straight and keep your knees and feet together.
2. Lean backwards and slowly move backwards. Right hand reach right heel left hand reach heel and left heel. Avoid straining the body.
3. Thighs should be raised by pushing the hips forward.
4. Then bend the head and spine without straining the back.
5.The body should support the body weight equally on the legs and arms by relaxing the back muscles.
6. To maintain a maximum back, place the hands in such a way that they are anchoring the shoulders. Stay in this position until you feel comfortable.
7. Then come back to the starting position by releasing the hands one by one from the heels.
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3. Dhanurasana
To reap the benefits of this yoga pose, you must follow the steps given below.

How to do
1. Lie on stomach with legs apart and hands on hip line and side of body.
2. Bend your knees and hold your ankles with your hands behind you.
3.Inhale, lift your chest off the floor and pull your legs up and back.
4. Keep a smile on your face and look straight ahead.
5. Pay attention to your breath and hold this pose. Your body is curved and stiff like a bow.
6. While relaxing in this pose, continue to take deep breaths and bend as much as your body will allow. And don’t overstretch.
7. After twenty seconds you should slowly bring your legs and chest to the floor while exhaling. Leave the ankles and relax.
4. Fish pose
To reap the benefits of this yoga pose, you must follow the steps given below.

How to do
1.Lie flat on your back and keep your legs together.
2. Place your hands on the floor, palms facing down. Move your hands under the thighs and close to the hips.
3. Place your forearms firmly on the floor and bring the bar to your chest.
4. When your chest is off the floor, lower your head until it touches the floor.
5. Make sure your torso bears the weight, not your elbows and head.
6. Breathe evenly as your body now forms an arch. Stay in this position for one minute.
7. To relax from the asana, lift your head off the floor and straighten your back.
8. Now let the body relax by lowering your torso completely to the floor.
5. Buddhakonasana Bound Angle Pose / Butterfly Pose
To reap the benefits of this yoga pose, you must follow the steps given below.

How to do
1. In a seated position, bring the soles of your feet together and allow your knees to swing out to the sides near your abdomen.
2. Ground your sit bones and lengthen your spine.
3.Hold the outside of your foot and press the soles of your feet together.
4. If your body allows, fold forward from the hips, keeping your spine long and your collar bones wide.
5. Hold this position for five to ten breaths.
6. Straighten again to come out of the pose Lift your knees and keep your legs straight.
6. Vajrasana
To reap the benefits of this yoga pose, you should follow the steps given below.

How to do
1. Bend your knees.
2. Bring your knees together and make sure your feet are slightly apart.
3. Sit between your calves.
4. Pull your legs close to your hips.
5. Extend your arms and place your palms to cover your knees.
6. Hold this posture for two minutes initially.
7. Gradually increase the duration as you practice the asana.
7. Supta Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose)
To reap the benefits of this yoga pose, you should follow the steps given below.

How to
1. Lie on your back with knees bowed and feet level on the floor.
2., keep your knees open to the sides by bringing the soles of your feet together.
3. Keep your arms close to your body with your palms facing upwards.
4. Focus on deep steady breathing. And hold this pose for ten minutes.
We have told you 7 yoga poses in the above session. By practicing it regularly, we have given you 7 yogas that you should practice regularly and get rid of your problems such as problems during menstruation and menstruation before or after the date of menstruation.