Yoga to reduce body fat: Rapidly increasing weight and body fat storage is a concern for everyone and many people are joining gyms to lose weight and burn calories. Many people take different measures to control weight and stay away from diseases with the help of walking. But did you know that if you include yoga in your routine at home, you can easily burn calories and make your body fit and toned. Yes, for this we are going to learn in these sessions which yoga asanas can be beneficial to practice to keep us fit.

Read More Top 7 Yoga Poses To Add To Your Daily Routine For Fitness
So let us now take the information about those 7 yogasanas.
1.Plank pose
Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do
1. Come on all fours and bring the shoulders to the wrists and spread the fingers with the middle finger pointing towards the front.
2. Now press the floor with firm hands and pull the stomach in and up to engage the core.
3. Now gently take both legs back and point the toes so that you are in a high push-up position. 4. Make sure that you are in a straight line from head to heels.
5. Keep the back tight and press the shoulder blades towards the chest.
6. Engage the thigh muscles and lengthen the tail bone towards it.
7. Press the hands into the floor so that the palms of the hands push away parallel to the floor, imagining that you are pressing the heels into the wall.
8. Bring the legs together to improve strength and stability.
9. Relax into this position by taking slow, deep breaths.
Read More 9 Effective Yoga Poses For Busy Women In Their 30S
Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do
Keep your feet apart and stand straight. The distance between your feet should be wider than the distance between your shoulders.
Inhale and raise your right leg above your head and place your right hand parallel to your right ear.
Exhaling, bend your left side, bend your torso to the waist, and slide your left hand down your left leg until your toes touch your ankle.
At this point keep your right arm horizontal as your head is tilted to the left.
Do this pose by keeping your knees and elbows straight. And hold this position for thirty seconds.
Breathe in and straighten yourself up. And take some rest before starting this asana from the other side.
Read More Monsoon Yoga: 5 Yoga Poses And Breathing Exercises To Stay Healthy
3. Dhanurasana
Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do
1.Lie flat on your stomach and make sure your hips are opposite the floor and your feet are close to each other.
2. Bend your legs at the knees and bring your legs up behind you.
3. Grasp your bum with your arms stretched back.
4. Inhale and lift your head off the floor and lift your thighs up.
5. Twist your body upwards.
6. Hold this posture for ten seconds initially.
7.. As you practice this time can increase to a minute.
4. Bhujangasana
Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do
1. Lie flat on stomach in resting posture. Your arms should be crossed in front of you so that you can rest your head on them.
2. Gently bring your feet closer to the floor and place your forehead on the floor.
3. Move your arms so that they are folded into your corners. And keep your palms close to your shoulders.
4. Lift your elbows off the floor and breathe in. Raise your forehead to release your memories.
5. Lift your torso off the floor and make sure your abdomen is pressed into the floor.
6. Gently feel the stretch in your spine, imagining the movement of raising the snake’s hood.
7. Relax until your body touches the floor. Keep your head up until you come down completely.
5. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhanasana)
Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do
1.Lie on your back to start this yoga pose.
2.Keep your knees and ankles in a straight line ten to twelve inches from your range with your feet hip-distance apart on the floor with your knees bent.
3.Keep your hands close to your body with palms facing down.
4.While inhaling, slowly lift your lower back, middle back and just upper back off the floor. Gently roll the shoulder and touch the chest with the chin.
5.Feel your core strong in this pose by supporting the weight of your shoulders, arms, legs. Both thighs should be parallel to each other and the floor.
6.If you want, you can push your hands on the floor to lift your torso up slightly without interlocking your fingers, or you can support your back with your palms.
7.Continue to breathe easily. Hold this position for a minute or two. And while taking off the shirt, this yoga should be done gently.
6. Utkatasana Yoga
Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do
1.Stand straight with your legs apart and hands at your sides. Take deep breaths and feel the energy flowing through your body.
2.While exhaling, lower your hips and bend your knees as if resting on an invisible chair. Keep your thighs parallel to the ground. And don’t let your knees over your ankles lead to your toes or your back.
3. While inhaling, raise your arms above your head towards the sky. Place them all facing each other or touching each other in prayer position. Keep your shoulders away from your ears and lengthen your neck, all looking forward.
4. Hold this position for as long as you can, breathing deeply and evenly, feeling the heat and strength in your legs, the temple in your core and the openness in your chest smile and enjoy the challenge
5. To exhale and straighten your legs, bring your arms down to your sides. Move your legs and relax.
7. Naukasana/Boat Pose
Follow the steps given below to get maximum benefit from these yoga poses.

How to do
1. Begin this asana by lying flat on the yoga mat with your back flat on the floor.
Put your hands together with your legs together.
2. Then stretch the fingers outwards and keep the arms straight.
3. Start by inhaling. Then, lift both your chest and legs off the floor and exhale.
4. Stretch your arms forward towards your feet and you should feel a stretch in your abdominal area. This is due to the contraction of the abdominal muscles.
5. Then rest your body on your leaders making sure your head is in line with your fingers and toes while doing this. Hold this position by holding your breath for a few seconds.
6. While coming to the starting position, slowly exhale and relax. And regularly repeat this asana three to four times.
In the above session we have seen seven yoga poses to reduce body fat. By practicing this yoga pose regularly, you can burn calories, keep your body fit and toned. Doing this yoga regularly keeps your weight under control and helps to keep other diseases at bay.