Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means yoke or union. Yoga means a union. It has the important purpose of bringing body mind and soul together.
What used to be a meditative practice thousands of years ago has now evolved into a modern lifestyle craze.
Who is the father of yoga?
Patanjali is father of modern yoga. He has written some yoga sutras. Tirumalai Krishnamacharya is regarded as the father of modern yoga in various parts of India.
What is birth place of yoga?
Rishikesh is the birthplace of yoga. Rishikesh attracts people to practice spiritual meditation. The city of Rishikesh is considered sacred.

Goals Of Yoga
. For Relaxation
• For Proper Exercise
• For Breathing
• For Proper Diets
• For Meditation And Positive Thinking
These are Goals of Yoga
8 Limps Of Yoga
1 Yamas:
• Ahimsa: Kindness
• Satya: Truthfulness
• Asteya: nonstealing
• Brahmacarya: Moderation
• Aparigraha: Generosity
• Saucha: Purity , Cleanliness
• Santosha: Contentment
• Tapas: Zeal For Life
• SWadhyaya: self study
• Ishwara Pranidhana: Surrender
3. Asana:
Steady Posture
4. Pranayama:
Expention Of Vital Energy
Sensory Withdrawal
7. Dhyana:
8. Samadhi:
Practice Of Yoga
Threre are 5 Types of yoga . Tantric yoga, Karma yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti yoga.
1 . Tantric yoga
Reduceds stress , Depression, For Better Sleep, Better Life , Increased Capacity for intimacy this are the benefits of Tantric yoga.
2. Karma yoga:
Karma yoga is also called Karma marga.
Karma Yoga is the way to attain salvation through action. It helps people to do their best work and attain its courage.
3. Raja Yoga
In sanskrit the word raja translates as king Chife or royal
Improve mental health clarity and focus, redused stress and increased relaxation, Enhanced emotional balance and regulation these are the benefits of raja yaga.
4. Jnana Yoga
The true definition of knowledge is self-examination by removing the ego. Jnana yoga is known as Jnanamarg. Jnana Yoga has four pillars. That is Vivek, Vairagya, shat-sampat, Mumuksutra.
5. Bhakti yoga:
Bhakti yoga is way of Devotion.
Redused Ego, Strengthnes Virtues, Pure Emotions, Promote Gravity, Improve mental Health.these are the benefits of bhakti yoga.
Importance Of Yoga
The Yoga is best ancient of Indian practice with great many benefits for life.
Yoga isn’t a religion, a lifestyle focuses on a sound brain in a solid body. Man is a physical, mental and spiritual being; As prescribed in Ayurveda in India, yoga helps to balance all three. Other forms of exercise, such as aerobics, only ensure physical health. Yoga Imrpove Posture, Flexibility, Strength, Balance and body Awareness.
Yoga Improves quality of our Life. Yoga helps in maintaining physical and mental health. And helps us connect with nature. If you practice yoga daily, your body becomes flexible and you also gain self-discipline. Yoga reduced Stress and has many health benefits for Children and teachers. it encourages healthy life style.