You can start your fitness journey by practicing this dynamic yoga pose. Yoga can help you shed pounds as well as increase strength and balance. Start your path to wellness today. Staying healthy is beneficial to your overall fitness and health. Getting to the gym regularly can be difficult with your busy schedule. Incorporating various yoga poses into your daily routine can be an effective way to lose weight.
5 Standing Yoga For Weight Loss
Staying healthy is beneficial to your overall fitness and health. Getting to the gym regularly can be difficult with your busy schedule. Incorporating various yoga poses into your daily routine can be an effective way to lose weight. These yoga poses help you lose weight and also tone your glutes, core muscles and hamstrings. In this session, we will tell you five standing yoga poses that will help you lose weight.
Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
Trikonasana has many benefits of yoga asana that helps in fat loss and also helps in burning fat and building muscle.

How to do
1.Stand with knees straight and feet three feet apart.
2. Keep your eyes forward and while inhaling, swing your right leg to the right side by bringing both your hands to the sides to shoulder level.
3. Place the toes of your right hand fully behind the foot and exhale slowly. and bend to the right side. If you are doing this asana for the first time, touch the knee of the right leg when your right leg cannot be touched.
4. Keep your left hand in a straight line with your right hand.
5. You can hold this position for ten to twenty seconds by turning your head to the left and focusing on the middle finger of the left hand.
6. Breathe normally while doing this yoga pose. If you are practicing this yoga pose for the first time, you may find it difficult to hold the pose for ten to twenty seconds, but you can hold the pose as per your comfort.
7. After 20 seconds inhale slowly come up. Now this yogasana should be repeated on the left side.
1.This yoga asana improves blood circulation throughout the body. Therefore, the functioning of the organs continues well. Helps reduce blood pressure, stress and anxiety problems, and also improves lung capacity.
2. This yoga pose helps to strengthen the back muscles as the yoga pose requires sideways movement.
3. This yoga pose increases thigh flexibility as it involves stretching the hips.
4.Stretching the arms in this yoga pose helps improve flexibility by increasing arm strength.
Warrior Pose (Veerabhadrasana)
Veerabhadrasana is a yoga pose that has many benefits as it strengthens the back muscles and lungs, it strengthens the stomach,
Strengthens the hips and thighs.

how to do
1.Take a deep breath in the Tadasana pose and keep your feet three to four feet apart.
2.Stand with your arms parallel to the floor and far apart. Distract the scapulae of the hip bone by applying firm pressure to the back.
3.Rotate the right leg 90 degrees and rotate the left leg 45 to 60 degrees to the right.
4. Line up the right and left heels. Twist your torso to the right and exhale, trying to bring the front end of the mat closer to your range.
5. While exhaling, bend the right knee over the right ankle and try to bring the body to a long position on the floor.
6. Force the ribs up from the pelvis through the abdomen. When you land on your back foot, you will feel a lift in the back leg, chest, stomach, and arms.
7. Spread the palms together if possible and go up the pinky side of the hand.
8. You can hold this position for 30. While exhaling, stand with the right knee straight and the back heel firmly pressed into the ground as you reach for the hand.
9. While inhaling, swing the legs forward and relax the arms. After taking a deep breath, bend your legs to the right and raise them again at the same time. After completing this Yogasana, come into Tadasana position.
1.These yoga poses strengthen arms, shoulders and legs.
2.It helps to maintain balance in the body.
3.These help people in desk jobs.
4.It increases endurance.
5.This increases muscle endurance.
6.It relieves stress.
Warrior II Pose (Veerabhadrasana II)
Virabhadrasana yoga helps to strengthen the glutes, hips and thighs and also helps in weight loss. It helps improve your balance and coordination. Primarily engaging the muscles increases metabolism, thus helping to burn calories. Helps maintain proper body posture and stability. It helps in systematic movement during physical activity.
How to do
1.Begin this position from Tadasana.
2.Raise both your arms and keep your elbows down and keep your neck long so that it is parallel to the floor. Bend your right knee and rest it on your ankle.
3.The right floor should be your engaging position as you lower the upper thigh. To balance these movements, lower yourself with your big toe.
4.Hold this position for five breaths. Press your leg as you inhale and straighten your leg to come out of the position. Change the direction of the legs and repeat this asana on the opposite side.

1.These yoga poses strengthen arms, shoulders and legs.
2.It helps to maintain balance in the body.
3.These help people in desk jobs.
4.It increases endurance.
5.This increases muscle endurance.
6.It relieves stress.
High Lunge (Alanasana)
High Lunge is a yoga pose that stretches the body and also the thighs, arms, neck and hips
Focuses and reduces weight. This exercise is considered very important for increasing flexibility. And also tones the muscles and is important for a healthy metabolism.
how to do
1. To do this Yogasana you stand in Tadasana.
2. Fold into Uttanasana and bend your knees as much as possible so that you touch the floor. Come onto your toes and step your left leg back into a lunge shape, keeping your feet and hips apart. Place your right knee over your right ankle so your shin is straight up and down. Keep your left foot back with the heel of the left foot on the ball of the left foot and keep the knee straight.
3. Symmetrically bring your legs together. Push off from your front foot and pull back on the mat without moving. Without moving, push down through the balls of your feet and pull back to the mat.
4. Movement without movement is called isometric engagement. Staying in this pose helps you activate your leg range and deep core muscles before lifting your arms off the floor.
5.Raise your torso by placing your hands on your hips.
6. Spread your palms facing each other.
7.Bend your right knee forward and place it over your ankle. Keep your left leg straight, pushing down through your left toes.
8.Look forward and lengthen through the neck is Crescent Lunge Pose.
9. Bring your hands to the floor to come out of this position. Bend your left knee and switch sides. Balasana or Abhamukasana make good counter poses.

1.Hips stress the back leg.
2.Opens the hip flexors and helps strengthen the hip extensors.
3.Psoas muscles are stretched.
4.Helps strengthen quadriceps, gluteus maximus, calf muscles and hamstrings.
5.Builds strength in the muscles that support the knee.
6.Upright balancing engages the deep core muscles, which create stability.
7.Helps to reduce the pain caused by sciatica And also improves balance.
8.Helps students learn to square their hips in a split leg standing pose. . This is prepared in Virabhadrasana I.
9.Lifting the torso and arms builds strength in the arms, shoulders and back.
Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)
Vrikshasana engages multiple muscle groups and promotes weight loss by increasing calorie expenditure and reducing stress-related eating. . A combination of a balanced diet and exercise helps improve his sanity. Increases metabolic rate and also helps in reducing leg tone. And this leads to weight loss.
How to do
1. Stand straight with your body on the side. Concentrate by focusing on one point in front of you.
2. . Exhale and move the right leg up and place the foot on the inside of the left thigh. The heel should touch the perineum.
3. Inhaling raise your arms and bring your palms together in Namaskar Mudra.
4. Hold the final position for 5 breaths with body awareness.
5. Exhale and bring the arms down. Return to the starting position, leaving the right side.
6. Repeat on the other side with the right leg off the floor.
7. While exhaling, move the left leg up and also place the foot on the inside of the right thigh.

1.It works to strengthen the legs, arms, back, abdominal region and also opens the buttocks
2.It helps improve your neuromuscular coordination.
3.It helps with balance, endurance and balance.
4.It helps improve alertness and concentration.
5.It helps those suffering from sciatica (nerve pain in the legs).
6.Vrikshasana helps to maintain both physical and emotional balance.
In this session you are told some standing yoga poses. You can start your fitness journey by practicing this yoga pose regularly. As some of the yoga poses are difficult, if you are a newbie, you can take the help of an instructor to practice these yoga poses. And start your path to wellness today.