Can yoga help you with diabetes to control blood sugar? So in this session we are going to tell you some special yoga poses that can help you control diabetes.
There are two types of diabetes. One is type 1 diabetes and the other is type 2 diabetes. Stress, prolonged sitting, consumption of alcohol and smoking and other things like modern lifestyle are responsible for this. Everyone is giving advice on diet to control diabetes. Yoga helps you in diabetes by controlling blood sugar. So now let us know about those seven Yogasanas.

Indian yoga guru, founder of yoga institute and famous TV personality Dr. Hansaji Yogendra has suggested some yoga asanas to control diabetes, so let us know about those asanas and how they work.
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How Yoga Works in Diabetes
According to the National Institutes of Health, they increase the amount of receptor binding by increasing the number of insurance receptors.
Practicing yoga improves digestion, circulation and immune system, and also activates the nerves and internal organs.
Regular practice of yoga poses various benefits for the body and makes you feel more energetic and is also effective against other lifestyle disorders like diabetes.
Below are 7 effective yoga poses to control diabetes.
1. Twisting of the spine
Spinal twists help lower blood sugar levels by stimulating the lower abdominal organs. Along with this, this yoga asana is also very beneficial for stiffness and pain in the spine.
Its back and waist areas are also benefited. It helps to relax your digestive system completely by creating movement.

How to do
1. Sit up straight with both feet in front of the body.
2. Bend the right leg and place it on the ground near the knee outside the left leg.
3. Bend your left leg and keep it under or near your hip.
4. With your left hand or elbow on your right knee, gently turn your face towards your right shoulder.
5. Stay in this asana for 60 seconds and then repeat this yoga pose on the other side.
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2. Dhanurasana
Dhanushya pose works effectively in diabetes. This yoga pose relaxes the abdominal muscles. This yoga pose is a great stress buster and relieves fatigue.

How to do
1. To get into Dhanurasana, first lie on stomach.
2. Bend your knees and keep them close to your waist. And then hold both your ankles with both your hands.
3. Now try to lift your head, chest and thighs.
4. In the meantime, place your entire body on the lower part of the stomach.
5. Simultaneously hold your legs and create this forward stretch in the body.
6. Stay in this asana for twenty seconds keeping in mind your physical capacity.
7. Then exhale and relax with your chest and feet on the surface. Then repeat this Yogasana.
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3. Paschimottanasana
This yoga pose can be effective in diabetes by facing your OT stomach as well as the abdominal floor.

How to do
1. Sit on the floor with both legs straight.
2. Make sure that there is no gap between the two legs and keep your legs completely straight.
3. Keeping your neck straight and spine straight, then place both your palms on both your knees.
4. Now bend your head and torso forward and try to touch your toes without using your knees.
5. After this take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
6. Both knees should try to touch the head and forehead.
7. Exhale completely and hold this position for a few seconds.
8. After a few seconds straighten your body and breathe normally and repeat this asana three to four times.
4. Balasana Child Pose
Air also increases the production of insulin-producing beta cells by relaxing your body. Not only this, it also relieves neck pain, helps reduce stress and fatigue.

How to do
1. First of all sit on the weight.
2. The spine should be straight.
3. Move both arms upwards while inhaling.
4. Now while exhaling bend the waist i.e. the house forward.
5. You can also bend both hands forward and hold this position for 30 seconds.
6. Repeat this Yogasana 5 to 10 times according to your physical capacity.
5. Sarvangasana
By giving good stretch to the spine it makes it strong and flexible. Improves blood circulation and contributes to your health. . Makes heart and lungs strong.

How to do
1. Lie on your back and extend both legs towards the sky.
2. With the legs at a 90 degree angle, Patil reached the back supported by the hands.
3. Try to keep the weight of the entire body on the head and shoulders.
4. Breathe in this asana for some time and then relax.
6. Halasana
By improving blood circulation, the related problems of indigestion and constipation are relieved. Helps strengthen the muscles in the shoulder and neck region.

How to do
1. Lie on your back with your feet close together and your chin tucked in.
2. Take a deep breath and inhale to lift your legs up until your legs come up i.e. extend your leg over your torso.
3. Place your hands under your hips with your palms up and your hands under you, and raise your torso.
4. Gently lift your torso until you rest on your shoulders.
5.. Now bend your arms at the elbows and place your hands on your back to support yourself. Your feet should be above your head.
6. Gently straighten your back.
7. Keep your knees tight and relax your calf muscles. You are now in Sarvangasana posture.
8. From here, lower your legs so that your feet touch the floor. Now keep your hands down on the ground. And you can hold this position for thirty seconds by breathing evenly.
7. Vakrasana
Vakrasana is composed of two words. Vakra means bending and asana means yoga posture. Earlier Vakrasana was known as a simple form of Ardha Matsyendrasana. Vakrasana is done to build physical flexibility. Vakrasana is one of the flexible yoga poses. Also known as bent over pose or seated twist yoga pose where there is a curve in the back.

How to do
1. Start this asana by stretching the legs and sitting on the floor side by side.
2. Bend the legs slightly while playing with the soles of the feet on the ground.
3. Keep the right leg straight on the ground.
4. Turn the head to the right and place the right hand on the right foot.
5. Place the right hand on the left toe or hold the left ankle with the right hand.
6. Place the left hand behind to support the body.
7. Keep the neck in a bent position parallel to the head.
8. Hold this Yogasana for thirty seconds while breathing normally in this position.
9. Now gently let go of the hand and let it go. And baby to the right and look forward.
10 Place your hands beside your body while resting on the floor.
11. Lower the left leg and rest it on the ground.
In the above session we have told you 7 yogasana. You can control diabetes by practicing those yogasanas regularly and also by taking proper diet.