Balance feels like the ultimate state of well-being. Where everything is perfectly aligned and functioning without any hindrance. With our hectic lives, balance can seem like a completely unattainable goal.
Or at least one that requires extensive repair. The truth is that time and time again, my clients get to this point by layering in simple strategies. Strategies such as strategically incorporating breathing techniques around meals or at key times of the day.
Yes I talk about free easy and totally achievable ways to achieve balance. Many breathing techniques have been shown to help you use the power of your faith to restore your state of mind, mental state, and balance to your hormones and digestion. Here are some of my personal favorites, especially if you’re struggling with hormones and the five:
Breathing Exercise For Hormonal Balance
1. Kapalbhati (cleansing the lungs)
Kapalbhati has forceful exhalations and passive inhalations. Practice sitting initially and stop if you feel light headed. Once you become more experienced, you can bring this breath into an asana position with additional bursts of heat and energy.

How to do
1. Start inhaling and exhaling naturally through the nose.
2. Breathing through your nose should not be forced, in short, keep breathing regularly.
3. Each time you exhale, pull your abdominal muscles toward your spine to help expel all the air.
4. Each inhale should be done naturally. Your inhalation should be very short.
5. Keep the head, neck and shoulders neutral so that only the stomach moves with each breath.
6. Start with twenty breaths and work up to about 30 seconds to a minute.
7. During this asana, Kapalbhati can be performed in almost any posture.
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2. Anuloma-Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
This seated pranayama is often done at the end of a yoga session to help settle the pent-up energy and relax the body. It is said to help balance both sides of the body.

How to do
1.Sit in a comfortable position with your left hand on your lap.
2. Bring the middle and index fingers of your right hand to your third eye.
3. Press your thumb to close your right nostril as you inhale through the left nostril.
4. Press your ring finger to close your left nostril as you release your thumbs and exhale through the right nostril.
5. Inhale through the right nostril.
6. As you exhale through the left nostril, press your thumb to close your right nostril.
7. Breathe in through your left nostril.
8. Continue this cycle for few minutes.
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3. Ujjayi (sea breath)
Ujjayi breathing is frequent in Vinyasa-style yoga, as it helps to keep your breath deep and regular while holding it for a long time and continuously flowing.

How to do
1. Take several rounds of breath with deep inhalations through the nose and exhalation through the mouth.
2. On your next inhale, tone the back of your throat as if you were fogging a pair of glasses or mirrors. Take a few cycles of inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth with the tone of your throat.
3. After your next inhalation, close your mouth and exhale through your nose, maintaining the same toned quality in your throat.
4. After a few such rounds, keep your throat toned while breathing.
5. Use this breath in your flow yoga poses to direct and balance your energy.
Read More Yoga for Hormonal Balance: 5 Effective Yoga Poses
4. Bramhari
Bhramari Pranayama breathing technique derives its name from the black Indian bee named Bhramari. Bhramari Pranayama is effective in calming the mind instantly. A simple technique is a great breathing exercise to free the mind from frustration and anxiety and to a large extent disease. It can be practiced anywhere
The exhalation in this pranayama is similar to the humming sound of a bee, which explains why it got its name.

How to do
1. Close your eyes and sit upright in a calm, well-ventilated area. And keep a soft smile on your face.
2. Close your eyes for some time and observe omniscience and inner peace in the body.
3. Place a chair between your cheek and ear with your index finger and ear. Keep your index finger on the chair.
4. While inhaling and exhaling, gently press the cartilage with your hand while making a loud bee-like sound.
5. You can also make low-pitched sounds but it is better to make high-pitched sounds for better results.
6. Do the same method 5 times by breathing again.
5. 4-7-8 Breathing Technique
This is a great technique to balance digestion. The body is able to digest food when it is at rest. If your body is releasing stress hormones, that means resources are being diverted away from digestion (and reproductive health) because your body doesn’t see it as a priority.
Also, 4-7-8 breathing relaxes your body, so it’s a great way to help you fall asleep, and getting enough sleep is a great way to balance hormones.

How to do
1. Exhaling through the mouth first, through parted lips
2. Next, close your mouth and breathe in through your nose while counting to four.
3. Hold the breath for 7 seconds.
4. Exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds.
5. The process should be repeated at least 5 times. Work your way up to 8 cycles.
6. Eat and sleep comfortably.
By practicing the 5 breathing exercises we have mentioned in the above session regularly, you can balance your hormones and also improve your digestion and mood, mental state. Balance feels like the ultimate state of well-being. Balance can seem like a completely unattainable goal. With our hectic lives, balance can seem like a completely unattainable goal.