Top 8 yoga poses for kids to get sharp brain

Introduction In this session we will look at some yoga poses to improve students’ memory and reduce the stress of school life. Let’s take a look at those eight yoga poses to help you improve memory and reduce stress in your school life. So now let us see those eight yogasana. Which asana improves memory?

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11 Effective Yoga Asanas That Will Help You Manage Cardiac Health

Introduction  Yoga is used to improve physical flexibility and balance. But did you know that practicing yoga asanas for your heart is a very important tool for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system? Yogasana helps to increase heart rate and blood circulation by stimulating the heart.  Restorative poses are so important as they help you relax

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10 Yoga Poses To Get Relief From Wrist Pain

introduction If you work on a computer laptop mobile for a long time, you may suffer from wrist pain. I have come up with some yoga poses to ease your wrist pain. Doing this asana will help in reducing your wrist pain. Let us know about it now. Using or working on a computer and

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6 Best And Effective Yoga Asanas To Reduce Arm Fat

Introduction Many people have excess arm fat and are looking for other ways to reduce it. Arm fat is a type of excess body fat when you gain weight, so do ours. Taking a holistic approach that includes a healthy diet and some fitness regimens and exercises will help you lose excess fat. Yoga is

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5 Cooling Breath Practices for Summer Heat

Introduction  When your body heats up in summer, if you are looking for a way to cool down. Fans and air conditioners can be dry. Pranayama, practiced since ancient times, helps us to cool down from within. Pranayama is  the eight limbs of yoga. It contains a collection of breathing exercises. Prana means life force

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Yoga To Look 10 Years Younger

introduction Regular practice of yoga does not cause skin aging. And also wrinkles and fine lines are reduced.  As we age, our body begins to lose its luster, elasticity, and strength. Over time many people start developing high blood pressure, diabetes and heart related complaints. This rule also begins to appear in our body. Symptoms

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10 Simple Couples Yoga Poses to Build Intimacy And Trust

Introduction We all know about yoga. Everyone can meditate. It is a good exercise that helps to unite the body and mind. In today’s age, many people practice yoga as a couple. This helps in strengthening the relationship between the couple. The practice of yoga works to build intimacy and trust better than any other.

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Adho Mukhasvanasana

4 simple Yoga Asanas for Hair Growth and Thickness

What is hair made of? Hair is made up of the protein carotene, which is also present in our nails and forms a protective layer on the outer skin. Hair has three layers. Cuticle is the outer layer which is thin and colorless and serves to protect the outer surface. The reason hair is different

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10 Simple Yoga Poses For Back Pain

Introduction Poses like cat-cow, lotus pose and triangle pose work to strengthen and relax the muscles. It gives relief to the back. If you are suffering from back pain then you should do this yoga after consulting a doctor. Yoga provides a physical and mental relief as well as treating not only back pain but

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11 Amazing Benefits of Face Yoga For Jawline

Introduction We all know that yoga has many benefits both mentally and physically. Yoga not only helps keep us fit but also improves our mood. Also people only know that yoga has physical and mental benefits but do you know that there are some yoga poses for the face? This face yoga works on your

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Bow pose (Dhanurasana)

10 Simple Yoga Poses To Reduces Belly Fat For Beginners

Introduction: Yoga is an all-inclusive package. It purifies your body mentally, physically and spiritually.  Regular yoga makes us feel energized and rejuvenated. Not only this, some yoga poses are effective in reducing your weight.  Some yoga poses help you lose weight and keep you fit. With some effort and determination we succeed in losing weight.

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